Can you help facilitate leasing space on an existing carrier's tower?
1 answer
Lease Negotiations and Valuation > New Wireless Telecom Leases
When should you first start receiving your payment after signing lease
I have been contacted by a cell tower company for a possible 90 year lease. Is this a common term?
What is a comparable rate for an antenna on a rooftop at 350-foot above ground level in Bloomington, MN?
Best Practices for Landowners, Government Entities & Venue Owners > Business & Venue Owners, Lease Negotiations and Valuation > New Wireless Telecom Leases
Some questions about tower lease and cost
Can you assist with leasing an existing 120' tower? We are considering decommissioning the wind turbine on it.
What should I expect rent to be for a new tower (ATC & Verizon)?
Do I need permission from my mortgage lender to sign a ground lease with wireless company?
Possiblity of lease?
Been contacted by an agent, rural Texas, near Victoria, what should I expect?
Annual escalator re-negotiation tactic by carrier, how to counter?
Lease Negotiations and Valuation > Lease Rates and Lease Valuation, Lease Negotiations and Valuation > New Wireless Telecom Leases
how do i find out if a carrier would be interested in my property to build a cell tower?
What is the going commission rate for a broker to lease space to telecommunications carriers?
Lease Negotiations and Valuation > Cell Tower Valuation and Brokerage, Lease Negotiations and Valuation > New Wireless Telecom Leases
Which offer is better? Blue Sky Tower or Crown Castle? Please see accompanying details
What is a good amount for a cell tower lease?
We have land in New Mexico by two subdivisions we developed. Need service. Do you help?
What if I just own land? Who would I conrtact for the construction of a tower?
Should I ask for a signing bonus or reimbursement of attorneys fees?
I have been contacted by a site acquisition agent. Should I respond right away?
What is the Right of First Refusal clause, and should I agree to it?