
Nov 27, 2017 - 09:32 PM
Good morning. What you have proposed to you is not at all uncommon, especially from tower companies. They prefer a longer term lease, having found that landowner tend to negotiate harder at the end of a lease knowing that it is difficult to move a tower once it is already standing. We typically recommend pushing back on the amount of terms to something closer to 30 years although some tower companies may require more. The key as with all proposed leases is knowing what you can get away with. Can they easily contact your neighbors and find another property that will be just as good for them if you are difficult to negotiate with? If not, you can expect better terms in the lease. If they can, then you may have to negotiate cautiously and take what they are offering or close to it. It's just a matter of determining how much you want the lease and what you are willing to risk to improve it. As to the $500/month and 7.5%, it really depends upon the location.
As a rule, that they offer is what they think they can get away with.
Counter with $1500 and 3% per year, plus colocate fees, 50% is normal.
I disagree with the suggestion to counter at $1500/mo and 3% plus 50% revenue share. In most cases, this type of response will make sure you get to look at the tower on your neighbor's property all while receiving $0/mo. There are rare cases where this type of response is warranted. Ken
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