
Jul 26, 2017 - 11:10 PM
1. Each lease will be different even with the same wireless carrier. There is no set amount of equipment that is installed per each lease although generally, it won't exceed 9 antennas and 9 RRUs for the initial lease.
2. Absolutely and you should.
3. We typically allow them to replace existing equipment with like-for-like or smaller without an increase in rent.
4. In terms of the appropriate lease rate increase for changes of equipment based upon percentage increase, there is not a pre-defined amount based upon % of increase nor could there be. It varies based upon every single lease unless you have a pre-defined master lease. There are a number of factors which influence the lease rate increase in the amendment: size of equipment, the number of equipment, the weight of equipment, whether the equipment changes the frequencies being used, what rad center the equipment is mounted on, how much structural capacity is remaining on the tower.
For our clients, we review every single change request individually. We further examine what that wireless carrier has paid for similar changes to other tower companies and to our clients.
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