what is a fair lump sum payment to get from a WISP to build a WISP tower on our property for a lifetime lease?
2 answers
Lease Negotiations and Valuation > Lease Rates and Lease Valuation, Best Practices for Landowners, Government Entities & Venue Owners > Private Landowners, Cell Tower Builds & Wireless Technology > WISP
What is the yearly lease rate for a television tower land rental for a major market on an affiliate station?
1 answer
Lease Negotiations and Valuation
I’m purchasing a guyed tower and would like to add leases to the tower, how?
What's my tower worth?
0 answers
When I build housing near an existing tower, what kind of setbacks do I need (beyond just the easements)?
Best Practices for Landowners, Government Entities & Venue Owners > Private Landowners
I have not received my tax reimbursement check and I cannot find a telephone number to call
Do you have any success stories of homeowners fighting to ensure a tower isn't built near their fenceline?
Does "cold steel" have any value?
Lease Negotiations and Valuation > New Wireless Telecom Leases
Trying to put a cell tower on our property in Pocomoke Maryland
Cell Tower Builds & Wireless Technology > Tower Development and Operations
Home insurance to be cancelled if I allow a cell tower on my property?
Can wireless/mobile equipment on the top of a residential building cause vibrations in apartments in the building?
Cell Tower Builds & Wireless Technology > Rooftop Cell Sites, Best Practices for Landowners, Government Entities & Venue Owners
We are lessors of a tower lease and lessee wants to purchase the lease for $250,000. They pay $1,500 per month.
Lease Negotiations and Valuation, Lease Negotiations and Valuation > Lease Buyouts
Recertifying a tower/determining design limits?
Best Practices for Landowners, Government Entities & Venue Owners > Private Landowners, Cell Tower Builds & Wireless Technology > Tower Development and Operations
How do I find the manufacture make/model for a tower?
Cell Tower Builds & Wireless Technology > Cell Towers and Safety
We currently have an inactive tower on our land, wanting to know how to find if there was removal bond?
Other, Wireless Infrastructure Industry Players > Cell Tower Companies, Best Practices for Landowners, Government Entities & Venue Owners > Private Landowners
What impact, if any, will Open Ran have on the cell tower industry?
Other, Wireless Infrastructure Industry Players > Wireless Carriers, Cell Tower Builds & Wireless Technology > Tower Development and Operations
Do tower companies ever pay a percentage of the rentals they receive from cell phone companies?
Lease Negotiations and Valuation > New Wireless Telecom Leases, Lease Negotiations and Valuation
How long does it take to go from site selection to notice to proceed when developing new towers?
Other, Cell Tower Builds & Wireless Technology > Tower Development and Operations
Rf danger