I share the lease revenue with my sister. Can I sell just my portion of the lease?
1 answer
Lease Negotiations and Valuation > Lease Buyouts, Best Practices for Landowners, Government Entities & Venue Owners > Private Landowners
We are lessors of a tower lease and lessee wants to purchase the lease for $250,000. They pay $1,500 per month.
Lease Negotiations and Valuation, Lease Negotiations and Valuation > Lease Buyouts
I have offers from companies who are interested in buying my lease. Can you get me a better price?
Lease Negotiations and Valuation > Lease Buyouts
I am considering selling my lease, and the buyer has offered revenue sharing of future tenants.
Is the money from the sale of my lease classified as ordinary income or capital gains?
If I sell my lease rights, who is responsible for paying property taxes?
Why are so many companies contacting me about selling my lease?
Sell the lease and the land or just the lease?
ATC wants to buyout our tower lease, how do I know how much to settle for?
Can I specify conditions in a contract if the Cell Lease Purchaser Goes Bankrupt?
Our lease is being sold to another company
Other, Lease Negotiations and Valuation > Lease Buyouts
2 offers for the sell of our cell tower lease
Other, Lease Negotiations and Valuation > Lease Buyouts, Wireless Infrastructure Industry Players > Cell Tower Companies
the good bad and ugly of selling my lease
Looking to buy an existing Cell tower
Lease Negotiations and Valuation > Lease Rates and Lease Valuation, Lease Negotiations and Valuation > Lease Buyouts
How do we determine dollar value of cell tower leases to potential buyer?
Crown castle wants to buy out my lease via an easement, is that smart thing for me to do as the owner?