Is the money from the sale of my lease classified as ordinary income or capital gains?
1 answer
Lease Negotiations and Valuation > Lease Buyouts
Can you recommend a company to market my property/tower for a tower or tenants?
Best Practices for Landowners, Government Entities & Venue Owners
I am considering selling my lease, and the buyer has offered revenue sharing of future tenants.
I have offers from companies who are interested in buying my lease. Can you get me a better price?
There are multiple wireless carriers using my tower, why am I not getting any additional rent?
Lease Negotiations and Valuation > Tenant Collocation and Subleasing
My lease doesn't expire for 8 years. Do I have to agree to their request to renegotiate the lease now?
Lease Negotiations and Valuation > Lease Extensions and Expirations
The carrier (or tower company) has recently performed equipment upgrades on the cell tower. Should they be paying
Lease Negotiations and Valuation > Equipment Modifications and Lease Renegotiation
Will Steel in the Air handle the actual negotiations with the wireless carrier / tower company, or will you just a
Questions about Steel in the Air
Will my property suffer depreciation because of a tower placed on the property?
Lease Negotiations and Valuation, Best Practices for Landowners, Government Entities & Venue Owners > Private Landowners
Should I ask for a signing bonus or reimbursement of attorneys fees?
Lease Negotiations and Valuation > New Wireless Telecom Leases
I have been contacted by a site acquisition agent. Should I respond right away?
I've been offered $300 for an option to lease my property. Should I take it?
Can you give me a list of towers in my area and how much they pay monthly to the landowner?
Lease Negotiations and Valuation > Cell Tower Maps and Locations
What is the Right of First Refusal clause, and should I agree to it?
Why don't I have the right to terminate, but they do?
2 answers
Lease Negotiations and Valuation
How long should the lease be for?
How much should my lease escalate, and how often?
I have a friend with a tower in another state and he is getting 3 times more monthly revenue that I am getting for
Lease Negotiations and Valuation > Lease Rates and Lease Valuation
What is the appropriate lease rate for my property?
What is the average rent for cell site leases in the U.S?