
Mar 27, 2024 - 03:11 AM

First, sorry for the levity - but I asked ChatGPT to create an image of cell tower removal - and it obviously believes that cell towers are removed by picking them up and putting them vertically on a flatbed. (They aren't- they are dissasembled and removed in pieces.) I hope you don't think we are making light of your situation, but I just had to insert it.
Secondly, a removal bond is atypical for most tower leases. It would either be required under the lease agreement or by the county/township that approved the tower. You would have to contact the township/county to see if a tower bond was required as a condition of approval. (Please note that there is some risk in contacting the county; if they have abandonment language in their zoning code, it may require that the tower be removed within 6 months or a year of becoming inactive.)
I did some quick research on BMB, I don't know if this is the same entity, but there is a BMB Towers on LinkedIn. You may be able to contact them on LinkedIn. I assume you have provided them with formal legal notice indicating that they need to remove the tower (assuming the lease obligates them to do so). Also, please see here for contact information for a BMB Towers representative from an antenna structure registration with the FCC. Again, not suggesting they are one and the same, but it appears that BMB Tower Holdings is an active entity.
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