
Mar 15, 2021 - 07:40 AM
Generally, the carriers are pretty “receptive” (sorry for the pun) to requests to turn down their antennas for work on the steeple. They may wish to restrict the time during which they have to turn down the site to eliminate turnoff during critical times, but generally, they are good to work with. There should be no cost to just a simple turndown request.
However, if you are referring to the temporary relocation of the antennas, that’s another story. The carriers generally are going to expect that the landowner pay for the cost of the temporary relocation unless they can fit it in while they are doing other construction work on site. You will get assigned to someone who will coordinate the process but it will take much longer than you might expect. It will also be more expensive than you expect as they hand it over to the contractor to bid and they really don’t care how much the cost is as the site owner is the one paying it and contractors look at these as extra money and a lot of hassle and liability.
So my suggestion is to reach out as early as you can and just prepare your other contractors that you will need to workaround T-Mobile’s timeframe which will likely be longer than expected.
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