
Oct 26, 2020 - 05:31 AM
Good morning. The carriers always want to lower their rents with the tower companies. The laughable part of this is that the tower companies don't tell you that the tower companies aren't negotiating lower rents in most cases with the carriers or that if they are, its only because they got something out of it that is beneficial to the tower company. (Fewer terminations, more new collocation sites, higher escalation) In other words, there are very few situations where the towers are becoming "negative margin" towers. If a tower company negotiator makes these types of represenations - ask them to prove it. Not by newspaper articles or trade journal articles from 3 years ago, but using actual revenue and expense data from your specific tower. There are some situations where it makes sense to negotiate, but most of the time, the tower company is still generating more profit than they want you to know about.
FYI_ I removed your address/phone number from the question- otherwise you will be inundated with phone calls.
Good morning. The carriers always want to lower their rents with the tower companies. The laughable part of this is that the tower companies don't tell you that the tower companies aren't negotiating lower rents in most cases with the carriers or that if they are, its only because they got something out of it that is beneficial to the tower company. (Fewer terminations, more new collocation sites, higher escalation) In other words, there are very few situations where the towers are becoming "negative margin" towers. If a tower company negotiator makes these types of represenations - ask them to prove it. Not by newspaper articles or trade journal articles from 3 years ago, but using actual revenue and expense data from your specific tower. There are some situations where it makes sense to negotiate, but most of the time, the tower company is still generating more profit than they want you to know about.
FYI_ I removed your address/phone number from the question- otherwise you will be inundated with phone calls.
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