Voted Best Answer
Jan 02, 2017 - 03:25 AM
Cell towers, for the most part, are on private property. The property owner grants access to the tower via a non-exclusive easement across the property. The easement in almost all cases is only for the use of the tower owner and the wireless companies on the tower and their vendors. Unless you are working for one of them and have the property owner's, tower owner's or a wireless carrier's permission to be on the property, you are likely trespassing. In other words, there is no legal right for the public to access cell towers via their access road in most situations.
Of course, I won't comment on whether the landowner has a right to show a pistol to enforce trespassing...
Of course, I won't comment on whether the landowner has a right to show a pistol to enforce trespassing...
Thank you. Precise and clear. Awesome. I had assumed correctly.
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