Voted Best Answer

Feb 26, 2016 - 08:31 AM
StraightTalk is attempting to compete with Verizon by offering the “same service for half the price.” Their $45 per month/ unlimited data plan (subject to throttling after 3G have been used) is most comparable with Verizon’s $45 per month/ 1G plan. On both plans, you need to bring or buy your own phone.
If a “Verizon phone” is used to sign up with StraightTalk, the Verizon network and towers will be used to carry signals to cell phones. We might presume that this is the case for all Big 4 Wireless Carriers; i.e., if you pay off your contract with Sprint and bring that phone to StraightTalk, you might remain on the Sprint network – but then again, you might not. And what about phones that are bought directly through StraightTalk, what network will they use?
I just had a conversation with a representative at StraightTalk. His response to my question (What network will I be on?) , was the following: Unfortunately, we are unable to determine which carrier network your phone will work on. Upon completing the activation of your phone, the system determines which carrier will be used to service your phone. We have no control over this nor do we have any access to any carrier information.
So I researched a bit more and it seems that the trend is something like this: Most iPhones use the Verizon network, while most Galaxy phones use the Sprint network. However, if you bring in a carrier unlocked phone with a sim card available, you will likely be put on the AT&T network.
Unfortunately, I haven’t found any cut and dried answer to this question, but it does seem to be the case that if you bring in a phone from a specific carrier (Verizon) you will remain on that network.
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